
Your Mom's Style: Guest Post

Mariel and her mom circa 1990’s

After the early 90’s, I used my mom’s style as inspiration for what NOT to wear! No offense to my mom; we just have completely different clothing styles. While occasionally we overlap in tastes, we usually don’t take inspiration from each other.

For example: she tends to wear a lot of solid colored sweaters (v-necks especially), clogs or chunky slides, or thin beaded necklaces. Chunky footwear? Not my taste at all. I prefer cardigans, beaded necklaces on the chunkier side, and shoes that make my legs look longer.

To my mom’s credit, she stopped wearing tapered jeans a few years ago and now her clothing fits her AND her style nicely. It’s just different from mine!

This picture—obviously taken in the early 90’s—was probably the last time my mother and I wore something similar. After that, I took control of my wardrobe, haha!

Ahh, fanny packs. There’s one fad I don’t hope to see again!

You can catch Mariel and her DIY blog, So What’s Bloomin’, here. Fanny pack wearers beware. 

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