
Holiday Wishlist

I don’t know about you, but I’m gearing up for some Cyber Monday deals. There are 8 nights of Chanukah coming up, so I’ve listed 8 gifts that are on my holiday wishlist…

Michael Kors “Bradshaw” Watch (Piperlime)

I know I’m a little late on the mens watch trend, but I’ve been telling women for about 5 years now to stack their etc… watchband bracelets and cuffs with other bracelets and their chunky watch. I resisted getting one because I often am seen with a watch necklace on and didn’t want to over do it on the time pieces, but this one even has the vintage style of my watch necklaces with the Roman numerals. I think it’s about time (no pun intended).

Nau Blazing Jacket (Epaulet)

I’m currently saving up for this one—that is, if they have any left by Monday. I’ve walked into one of my favorite NYC boutiques, Epaulet, almost every week to check to see if it is still there. They only have a limited quantity of these amazing jackets that were made just for this well curated shop. It’s not bulky and won’t make me look like the Michelin Man, but will keep me just as warm as any puffer coat. Please Cyber Monday angels, get me a discount!

No. 6 5″ Aviator Shirling Boots (No 6 Store)

Sorel Tofino snow boot (Piperlime)

This is another perennial item on my wishlist. I can’t bear to wear a typical snow boot that looks like I belong on the slopes, rather than in Park Slope. With both of these boots, I will be protected from the elements and my tootsies will be toasty. Everyone I know who owns a pair of the No. 6 boots, swears that they’re the most comfortable shoes. If I wanted to splurge, I can even go to the No. 6 store and have mine custom made for me. This just may be the year. Though, more realistically, I’ll probably be [affording] getting these yummy snow boots by Sorel. C’mon sales!

Chrome “Niko” camera bag (Chrome Bag Store)

This one is actually on the hubby’s wishlist. I can’t blame him. This is hands down the coolest camera bag I’ve ever seen. It’s made to strap on while you ride your bike around the city and then can whip out your array of lenses, along with your lunch, and snap away. Too bad it’s sold out AGAIN at the moment, but I’m going to keep checking back to score one of these.

Georgia Varidakis Ruby VII Ring (georgiavaridakis.com or IDA Williamsburg)

When Georgia debuted the diamond version of this ring (pictured on top), I was completely in shock that she managed to replicate the antique style that is nearly identical to my great-grandmother’s engagement ring—now used as my own wedding band. She couldn’t believe it either. Now I can’t believe that she has a gorgeous ruby version of this ring that would look amazing stacked with my own wedding band (for days that I’m too hard on my hands and can’t risk ruining my engagement ring)! It would make a great present. Hint hint. Check out her collection at her new Williamsburg showroom and shop, IDA.

Chanel Le Vernis Nail Colour in Peridot (Nordstrom)

I’ve had my eye on this color since doing a “Peacock” color themed shoot for a fall story in JOY Magazine over the summer. I love that it looks different depending on the lighting and it’s like wearing 3 colors in one—great for the girl who gets sick of her nail color after like a day. Maybe that’s why I haven’t splurged on this one yet.

Marc by Marc Jacobs “Too Hot to Handle” Satchel (Piperlime)

I’m a sucker for anything by Marc Jacobs—especially his reasonably priced Marc by Marc Jacobs line. The quality of the buttery leather bags are well worth the money (my purple bag that I’ve worn for probably to many season is a prime example). This particular handbag is the perfect fall to winter, goes with anything color and can be worn with the lady-like handles or as a satchel. I can do the rest of my holiday shopping hands-free with this one!

Yarnz cashmere robe (Gilt Groupe)

It doesn’t get more luxurious than a cashmere robe. Maybe cashmere sweatpants. Gilt Groupe currently has a cashmere shop that are the perfect gifts to make anyone feel like a Queen at bourgeois prices.

xo DA

p.s. Don’t forget to support your local retailers when shopping this weekend for your holiday gifts on Small Business Saturday!

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